How to Put Text Next to an Image in HTML?

When you make a webpage, sometimes you might want to have words right next to a picture. This is done using HTML, which is like the building blocks of the internet, helping us put pictures and words where we want them. 

In this article, we will discuss how to put text next to an image in HTML. We’ll show you easy steps so you can learn how to do this all by yourself!

Basic HTML Structure

HTML is the foundation of web pages. It uses tags to structure content. For example, <h1> is used for headings, and <p> is for paragraphs.

When you want to place text next to an image, HTML makes it simple. You use the <img> tag for images and the <p> tag for text. If you want to put text next to an image in HTML, you can use CSS to make them sit side by side.

If you need text from images, On4t Image to Text Generator can help. This tool extracts text from images, making it easier to add descriptive text and create effective alt text for your images. 

How to Put Text Next To Image In HTML?

With Inline CSS

To put text next to an image in HTML using inline CSS, you can use the <div> tag and the float property. First, put your image in a <div>, and then write the text in another <div>. Use float: left; in the CSS for the image to make the text appear next to it.

For example, your HTML might look like this:

  1. html
  2. Copy code
  3. <div style=”float: left; margin-right: 10px;”>
  4.     <img src=”your-image.jpg” alt=”Your Image” />
  5. </div>
  6. <div>
  7.     Here is the text that will appear next to the image.
  8. </div>

This way, the text wraps around the image. This method is simple and works well for learning “how to put text next to an image in HTML.

Using Internal CSS

Putting text next to an image in HTML is simple with internal CSS. First, you write your HTML code. Inside the <style> tag in the <head> section, add your CSS.

Next, use the float property. In your CSS, target the image with a class or ID. Then, use float: left; to make the image float to the left. This will make the text wrap around the image.

Finally, add some padding to give space between the text and the image.

Using External CSS

To put text next to an image in HTML, you can use external CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It helps you style your webpage. First, you need to add a link to your CSS file in the HTML. You do this in the <head> section with <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styles.css”>.

In your CSS file, you can use the float property. This makes the image float to the left or right. Here’s how: In your CSS file, add img { float: left; }. This will make the image float to the left, and the text will wrap around it.

By Using HTML and CSS Frameworks

To put text next to an image in HTML, you can use simple HTML tags and CSS. Start with the HTML code by placing the image and text inside a div. Use the img tag for the image and a p tag for the text.

For example :

  1. html
  2. Copy code
  3. <div class=”container”>
  4.   <img src=”image.jpg” alt=”Description”>
  5.   <p>This is the text next to the image.</p>
  6. </div>

Next, you need to add some CSS to make the text appear next to the image. You can use a CSS framework like Bootstrap or your own CSS.

Common Mistakes and Tips

When learning how to put text next to an image in HTML, many people make some common mistakes. One mistake is not using the right tags, like <img> for images and <p> for text. Another mistake is forgetting to use CSS to properly style the layout, which can make the text and image look messy.

A helpful tip is to use the float property in CSS. This makes the image float to one side, letting the text wrap around it. Remember to also add some padding so the text doesn’t stick right to the image. These simple steps can help you create a neat and clear layout.

Always double-check your code to make sure everything is in the right place. Practice these tips to get better at putting text next to an image in HTML.


How do you align text next to an image in HTML?

Use CSS float property or flexbox layout to place text beside an image.

Can you add a caption next to an image in HTML?

Yes, wrap the image and text in a <div> or <figure> element and style it using CSS for layout.

What HTML tags are used to position text beside an image?

<img> for the image and <span>, <div>, or <p> for the text, styled with CSS for positioning.

Is there a responsive way to place text next to an image in HTML?

Utilize CSS media queries to adjust layout based on screen size, ensuring text and image alignment remains consistent across devices.


Putting text next to an image in HTML is easy and fun. You just need to use a few simple tags. By using the <img> tag for images and the <p> or <div> tag for text, you can place them side by side. Adding styles with CSS makes it even easier.

Try it out yourself! Mix and match images and text to see what looks best. Practice makes perfect, and soon you’ll be a pro at this.

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