Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Series In Order

The “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series, penned by Jeff Kinney, is a popular collection of books that chronicles the life and adventures of a young boy named Greg Heffley. The stories, presented in a diary format, combine text with cartoon drawings, making them engaging for readers of various ages.

In this article, we will discuss the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series in detail, outlining the books in the order they were published. This will help fans and new readers alike to follow Greg’s journey right from the start.

Understanding the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series

Of course! “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” is a popular series of children’s books written and illustrated by Jeff Kinney. The series is known for its humorous and relatable depiction of the life and adventures of a young boy named Greg Heffley as he navigates the challenges of middle school and adolescence. 

Overall, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” is beloved for its relatable storytelling, humor, and its ability to capture the essence of the middle school experience. It has become a staple in children’s literature and continues to entertain and resonate with readers of all ages.

The Complete Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series in Order

Book 1: Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2007)

Book 2: Rodrick Rules (2008)

Book 3: The Last Straw (2009)

Book 4: Dog Days (2009)

Book 5: The Ugly Truth (2010)

Book 6: Cabin Fever (2011)

Book 7: The Third Wheel (2012)

Book 8: Hard Luck (2013)

Book 9: The Long Haul (2014)

Book 10: Old School (2015)

Book 11: Double Down (2016)

Book 12: The Getaway (2017)

Book 13: The Meltdown (2018)

Book 14: Wrecking Ball (2019)

Book 15: The Deep End (2020)

Book 16: Big Shot (2021)

Book 17: Diper Overlode (2022)

Book 18: No Brainer (2023)

  1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2007) – The first book in the series introduces us to Greg Heffley and his middle school adventures.
  2. Rodrick Rules (2008) – Greg’s relationship with his older brother Rodrick takes center stage in this installment.
  3. The Last Straw (2009) – Greg faces new challenges as he enters the new year of middle school.
  4. Dog Days (2009) – Join Greg as he navigates the ups and downs of summer vacation.
  5. The Ugly Truth (2010) – Greg begins to explore the challenges of adolescence and growing up.
  6. Cabin Fever (2011) – Trapped inside during a snowstorm, Greg faces a series of mishaps.
  7. The Third Wheel (2012) – Greg’s adventures in middle school take a romantic turn as he navigates the world of school dances and crushes.
  8. Hard Luck (2013) – Greg’s luck takes a downturn as he faces a series of unfortunate events.
  9. The Long Haul (2014) – Join the Heffley family on a road trip filled with chaos and mishaps.
  10. Old School (2015) – Greg experiences a blast from the past when his town goes electronics-free.
  11. Double Down (2016) – Greg’s creative endeavors lead to unexpected consequences.
  12. The Getaway (2017) – The Heffley family embarks on a tropical vacation filled with hilarious moments.
  13. The Meltdown (2018) – Greg faces the challenges of a snow-filled neighborhood feud.
  14. Wrecking Ball (2019) – The Heffley house undergoes major renovations, leading to unexpected discoveries.
  15. The Deep End (2020) – The Heffley family embarks on a cross-country camping trip, encountering various challenges along the way.
  16. Big Shot (2021) – This installment follows Greg Heffley’s adventures in “Big Shot.”
  17. Diper Overlode (2022) – In this book, Greg faces new challenges in “Diper Overlode.”
  18. No Brainer (2023) – The series continues with “No Brainer.”

Why Should You Read the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series in Order?

Reading the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series in order is a good idea. It’s like watching a TV show. You get to know the characters slowly. Greg, the main kid, grows up and changes in each book. 

If you read out of order, it might be confusing. It’s like missing some episodes of your favorite show. You might not understand why characters act a certain way. The books build on each other, so the story makes more sense in order. 

Plus, the jokes and funny parts are better when you know the whole story. Each book has jokes that carry on from the last one. It’s more fun to get all the jokes and see how the characters handle new problems when you know their past adventures.

Fun Facts About the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series

The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series is a popular set of books about a boy named Greg Heffley. He writes about his life and adventures in his diary. The stories are funny and show the challenges and fun parts of being a kid.

The author, Jeff Kinney, didn’t plan to make the books just for kids. But now, children and even grown-ups enjoy reading them. The drawings in the books make the stories even more entertaining and easy to understand.

Jeff Kinney worked on the first book for almost eight years before it got published. The series has more than ten books now. They have been sold all over the world and even turned into movies. The books make lots of people laugh and remember their own school days.

How Has the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series Impacted Young Readers?

The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series has been really popular with kids. It tells stories about a boy named Greg Heffley. Greg’s life is full of funny problems and adventures. Kids love the books because they can see parts of their own life in Greg’s stories.

The books are written in a simple way with lots of pictures. This makes it easy for young readers to understand and enjoy. Reading these books can make kids love reading even more. They find it fun to turn the pages and see what Greg will do next.

Also, the series talks about real issues like friendship and school in a light way. Kids learn that it’s okay to be imperfect and that everyone faces challenges. This helps them feel better about their own struggles.


Who is the author of the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series?

The series is written by Jeff Kinney. He’s not only the author but also the illustrator of the books. Jeff Kinney created the hilarious and relatable world of Greg Heffley, the main character of the series.

What age group is the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series suitable for?

The “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series is generally aimed at middle-grade readers, which means it’s perfect for kids aged 8 to 12. However, it’s one of those series that can be enjoyed by readers of all ages, even adults, because of its humor and wit.

Are there any movies based on the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” books?

Yes, there are! The popularity of the books led to the creation of several “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” movies. The movies follow the adventures of Greg Heffley and his friends. They’re a fun way to experience the story on the big screen, but don’t forget to read the books too!


The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series takes us on a fun journey with Greg as he tackles life’s ups and downs. It’s a must-read for laughs and life lessons.

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