How to Get Verified on Tiktok?

Getting verified on TikTok means getting a blue checkmark next to your username. This shows that TikTok has confirmed your account as real and trusted. Verified accounts are often famous, followed by many people, or represent well-known brands.

In this article, we will discuss how to get verified on TikTok. We will talk about the steps you can take to increase your chances. By the end, you’ll know what makes TikTok choose certain accounts for verification.

Why Tiktok Verfication is Important?

TikTok verification means getting a special checkmark on your profile. This checkmark shows that your account is real and trustworthy. It helps people know you are who you say you are.

Being verified on TikTok can make you more popular. It shows that you are important and can attract more followers. People are more likely to trust and follow verified accounts.

If you want to know how to get verified on TikTok, it can help you reach more people. Verification can open up more chances for you and make your account stand out.

Benefits of Tiktok Verification

Boosted Credibility

Verification gives your account a blue checkmark. This makes people trust you more and see you as important. It shows you’re real and not a fake account.

Increased Visibility

Verified accounts often appear higher in search results. This means more people can find your content. It helps you reach a bigger audience.

Access to More Features

Being verified can unlock special features. You might get more options for your videos and extra tools. It helps you create better content and connect with fans.

Criteria to Verify Your Account

To get verified on TikTok, you need to meet some important criteria:

  1. Complete Profile: Make sure your profile is complete with a clear profile picture, a catchy bio, and a valid phone number or email.
  2. Account Activity: Post regularly and have a high level of engagement with your followers.
  3. Original Content: Share unique and original videos that follow TikTok’s guidelines.

If you’re curious about how others have achieved verification, you can use the on4t TikTok Trending Tool. It shows top trending TikTokers in your region and can provide inspiration for your verification process.

Guide to Verify Your Tiktok Account

  1. Complete Your Profile: Ensure your profile has a picture, bio, and posts. Your account must be active and follow TikTok’s rules.
  1. Access Verification Settings: Tap the three dots on your profile. Go to “Manage Account” and look for the “Verification” option.
  1. Submit Verification Request: Fill out the form with your details. Wait for TikTok to review and email you with their decision.


What is the TikTok verification badge? 

The verification badge indicates a verified and authentic account.

How do I apply for TikTok verification? 

TikTok verifies accounts automatically; there is no manual application process.

What are the requirements for TikTok verification? 

You need a complete profile, significant followers, and high engagement.

Can I request verification if I meet the criteria? 

No, TikTok does not currently accept verification requests from users.


To get verified on TikTok, focus on creating original and engaging content that attracts many followers. Be active and interact with your audience regularly. Ensure your profile is complete and meets TikTok’s guidelines.

Getting verified also involves building a strong presence online and possibly working with influencers or media. Stay consistent and keep improving your content to increase your chances of being verified.

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