200 Best Female Goblin Names

Choosing the right name for a female goblin in your fantasy game or story can add depth to your character and make her more memorable. Whether you’re penning a novel or gearing up for your next RPG campaign, finding the perfect name is key to breathing life into your goblin character.

In this article, we will discuss 200 of the best female goblin names. We’ll dive into unique and captivating names that will fit any goblin character, from the mischievously cunning to the fiercely formidable.

50 Female Goblin Names Dnd

  • Grukka
  • Snikka
  • Zibber
  • Tugga
  • Grizzle
  • Niblet
  • Quibber
  • Krikka
  • Zobble
  • Splinta
  • Thudra
  • Glimmer
  • Slivva
  • Spindle
  • Nixie
  • Blighta
  • Poxia
  • Quagga
  • Wretcha
  • Toadstool
  • Snaggle
  • Blippa
  • Wobble
  • Slitha
  • Slagga
  • Squibble
  • Quibba
  • Snagglet
  • Spiker
  • Squigga
  • Grotta
  • Skizzle
  • Squabble
  • Drifta
  • Piddle
  • Squirm
  • Splatta
  • Whisker
  • Fizzle
  • Crumble
  • Dribble
  • Sliver
  • Snicker
  • Quibble
  • Thwarta
  • Stinklet
  • Muddla
  • Crankle
  • Snaggita
  • Snarla

50 Female Goblin Names Wow

  • Snaggletooth
  • Goblicia
  • Slinkerbelle
  • Toadstoola
  • Wartilda
  • Sludgecrackle
  • Muckmire
  • Spiketress
  • Rustfang
  • Goblyssa
  • Grimbella
  • Filthilda
  • Slimebelle
  • Nibblera
  • Grimewire
  • Fungalette
  • Sludgepetal
  • Wartina
  • Grizzleclaw
  • Slithergnash
  • Toadstoolina
  • Muckwhisper
  • Snagglenose
  • Gobblynna
  • Fizzlecrust
  • Swampbella
  • Sludgemane
  • Spiketrick
  • Nibblina
  • Wartilda
  • Grimella
  • Slimefoot
  • Grubtress
  • Grumbleclaw
  • Slithertongue
  • Goblynara
  • Filthspire
  • Sludgevine
  • Wartessa
  • Goblyra
  • Slimegaze
  • Grimbella
  • Toadstoola
  • Spikerina
  • Nibblina
  • Snagglewisp
  • Grizzlewhisper
  • Muckstalker
  • Slitherfang
  • Gobblynn
  • Grimella

50 Female Goblin Names And Meanings

  • Grizzle: She has a rough and grizzled appearance.
  • Snickers: Known for her mischievous laughter.
  • Muddlepaws: Often gets her paws dirty in the mud.
  • Slithertongue: A goblin with a clever and deceptive way of speaking.
  • Bramblethorn: Her skin is covered in thorny protrusions.
  • Gloomshade: She prefers to stay in the shadows.
  • Wartybelly: Has distinctive warts on her belly.
  • Rottenfang: Known for her sharp and decayed teeth.
  • Gobblesnatch: Quick at snatching things.
  • Toadstool: Resembles a mushroom in some way.
  • Sootfoot: Always seems to have soot-covered feet.
  • Fangsnarl: Known for her aggressive snarling.
  • Pebbletoes: Her feet are as tough as pebbles.
  • Rustlewhisker: Makes a rustling sound when she moves.
  • Bristleback: Has a bristly and spiky back.
  • Grumblegut: Known for her frequent grumbling stomach.
  • Puddlejumper: Skilled at leaping over puddles.
  • Glimmergaze: Her eyes have a faint, mysterious glimmer.
  • Wretchclaw: Her claws are twisted and wretched.
  • Mossyhair: Her hair is covered in moss-like growth.
  • Snaggletooth: One of her teeth sticks out prominently.
  • Drizzlemist: Always surrounded by a misty aura.
  • Gigglesnort: Known for her giggling and snorting laughter.
  • Thornskin: Her skin is prickly and covered in thorns.
  • Sludgefoot: Often seen in muddy, sludgy areas.
  • Snatchitall: Has a tendency to snatch anything in sight.
  • Wartnose: Her nose is adorned with warts.
  • Shadestalker: Skilled at sneaking in the shadows.
  • Grumbleclaw: Known for her grumbling and sharp claws.
  • Pebblehide: Her skin is as tough as pebbles.
  • Dustwhisper: Leaves a trail of dust wherever she goes.
  • Snickersnarl: Her snarling is often accompanied by snickering.
  • Toadskin: Her skin resembles that of a toad.
  • Sootwhisker: Has sooty whiskers on her face.
  • Rumblebelly: Her belly often rumbles loudly.
  • Mudpaw: Always has muddy paws.
  • Glimmerfang: Her fangs have a faint glimmer.
  • Rottentoe: Her toes are twisted and rotten.
  • Bramblethistle: Covered in both brambles and thistles.
  • Snickerclaw: Quick with both laughter and claws.
  • Gloomshroud: Always seems to be shrouded in gloom.
  • Puddlesplash: Creates a splash when walking through puddles.
  • Wretchnose: Her nose is twisted and wretched.
  • Grizzlemoss: Covered in both moss and grizzle.
  • Sludgebelly: Often seen in sludgy areas with a rumbling belly.
  • Thornsnap: Her sharp thorns can snap easily.
  • Snatchquick: Swift at snatching things.
  • Sootyskin: Her skin is dark and soot-covered.
  • Mosswhisper: Her whispers are accompanied by mossy growth.
  • Rustlefur: Her fur makes a rustling sound.
  • Snickershade: Known for her mischievous demeanor in the shadows.
  • Gloomfang: Her fangs are sharp and gloomy.

50 Cute Female Goblin Names

  • Glimmer
  • Snickers
  • Tinkerbelle
  • Pippin
  • Bubbles
  • Wisp
  • Willow
  • Pudding
  • Fiddlesticks
  • Squeaky
  • Zephyr
  • Twinkle
  • Munchkin
  • Dizzy
  • Giggles
  • Sparkle
  • Peanut
  • Lulu
  • Noodle
  • Sprout
  • Dottie
  • Tater Tot
  • Slinky
  • Peaches
  • Sassy
  • Marshmallow
  • Fizzy
  • Cinnamon
  • Zigzag
  • Poppy
  • Breezy
  • Jellybean
  • Trinket
  • Muffin
  • Squealer
  • Tootsie
  • Flutter
  • Dimple
  • Pebbles
  • Dandelion
  • Gingersnap
  • Cupcake
  • Gumbo
  • Pipsqueak
  • Giggletwist
  • Pickles
  • Jingle
  • Tumbleweed
  • Skittles
  • Tickleberry


What are Goblin Names?

Goblin names are names that you can give to goblin characters in various forms of storytelling, like books, games, or role-playing adventures. They add personality and depth to goblin characters and help make the story more engaging.

Why Should I Use a List of Goblin Names?

Using a list of goblin names can save you time and creativity when creating goblin characters for your story or game. It provides you with a ready-made collection of names to choose from, making the character-creation process smoother.

Where Can I Find the “Best Female Goblin Names”?

You can find the “200 Best Female Goblin Names” in various sources, including websites, forums, or even in books related to fantasy and gaming. These lists are often compiled by enthusiasts and writers who have a passion for creating unique names for goblin characters.

Can I Modify These Names for My Story or Game?

Absolutely! The list of goblin names is meant to be a starting point. You can modify, combine, or adapt these names to suit your specific characters and world-building needs. It’s a creative process, so feel free to make the names your own.


We’ve listed 200 fantastic female goblin names, offering a rich mix of choices for your characters or stories. Each name is unique, reflecting the quirky and fascinating nature of goblins. 

For those looking to add a creative twist, the On4t font generator is a handy tool. It spices up the names, making them visually appealing and fun to share.

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