Top 150+ Raven Names

Ravens are fascinating birds, known for their intelligence and the deep, rich black of their feathers. Often featured in mythology and folklore, these birds have inspired a variety of unique and meaningful names.

In this article, we will discuss the top 150+ raven names. We’ll explore names that capture the essence of these birds, from those rooted in their mystical nature to others that reflect their distinctive traits and behaviors.

What Makes a Good Raven Name?

Choosing a good raven name is about being creative and having fun. Raven names should be easy to say and remember. They often reflect the raven’s clever and mysterious nature.

Good raven names can be inspired by their dark feathers or sharp eyes. Names like Shadow or Midnight suit them well. Some people prefer names from myths or stories, like Odin or Morrigan, because ravens are in those tales too.

In the end, the best raven names feel right for the bird. They match the raven’s personality or looks. Whether it’s a name like Echo for their calls or Mystic for their smart ways, the name should fit the unique bird.

Top 50 Mythical Raven Names

  1. Huginn
  2. Muninn
  3. Bran
  4. Morrigan
  5. Thought
  6. Memory
  7. Omen
  8. Plague
  9. Trickster
  10. Shadow
  11. Night
  12. Feather
  13. Beak
  14. Caw
  15. Ebony
  16. Inky
  17. Shade
  18. Onyx
  19. Midnight
  20. Storm
  21. Wind
  22. Tempest
  23. Thunder
  24. Lightning
  25. Destiny
  26. Mystic
  27. Magic
  28. Charm
  29. Trick
  30. Riddle
  31. Enigma
  32. Puzzle
  33. Obsidian
  34. Ebon
  35. Sable
  36. Creature
  37. Beast
  38. Bird
  39. Wing
  40. Talon
  41. Watcher
  42. Sign
  43. Oracle
  44. Augury
  45. Shadow
  46. Shade
  47. Dusk
  48. Midnight
  49. Gloss
  50. Sheen

50 Nature-Inspired Raven Names

  1. Alder
  2. Aspen
  3. Aura
  4. Autumn
  5. Berry
  6. Breeze
  7. Brook
  8. Cedar
  9. Cloud
  10. Coast
  11. Cranberry
  12. Current
  13. Cypress
  14. Eagle
  15. Eclipse
  16. Equinox
  17. Fern
  18. Forest
  19. Frost
  20. Grove
  21. Hawthorn
  22. Horizon
  23. Island
  24. Ivy
  25. Jet
  26. Juniper
  27. Kestrel
  28. Lake
  29. Lichen
  30. Marsh
  31. Meadow
  32. Mist
  33. Moonlight
  34. Moss
  35. Nightshade
  36. Opal
  37. Petrichor
  38. Pine
  39. Rain
  40. Raven
  41. River
  42. Shadow
  43. Snow
  44. Solstice
  45. Starling
  46. Storm
  47. Summit
  48. Twilight
  49. Willow
  50. Wind

50 Unique Raven Names and Their Meanings

  1. Alauda (Latin) – Lark
  2. Branwen (Welsh) – Blessed raven
  3. Corban (Gaelic) – Raven
  4. Corb (French) – Raven
  5. Corbin (French) – Raven-haired
  6. Corvus (Latin) – Raven
  7. Creda (Old English) – Belief
  8. Dorcha (Irish) – Dark
  9. Dubhan (Irish) – Little dark one
  10. Dubhán (Irish Gaelic) – Blackbird
  11. Ebon (English) – Black
  12. Edgar (English) – Fortunate and powerful
  13. Eira (Welsh) – Snow
  14. Eirawen (Welsh) – Snow white raven
  15. Eirian (Welsh) – Bright, beautiful
  16. Eli (Hebrew) – High, elevated
  17. Fiachra (Irish) – Raven
  18. Gefn (Welsh) – Raven
  19. Gavin (English) – White hawk
  20. Goronwy (Welsh) – Spring-like
  21. Gwydion (Welsh) – Born of trees
  22. Hrafn (Norse) – Raven
  23. Huginn (Norse) – Thought
  24. Kaida (Japanese) – Little dragon
  25. Kajika (Japanese) – Question mark
  26. Kek (Egyptian) – Darkness
  27. Kræki (Norse) – Crow or raven
  28. Leucrota (Latin) – White raven
  29. Maeve (Irish) – Intoxicating
  30. Marcus (Latin) – Warlike
  31. Morrigan (Irish) – Great queen or phantom queen
  32. Muninn (Norse) – Memory
  33. Odin (Norse) – Inspiration
  34. Okapi (Swahili) – Mysterious forest-dweller
  35. Onyx (Greek) – Black gemstone
  36. Orin (Irish) – Pale
  37. Poe (Hawaiian) – Dark night
  38. Raven (English) – Raven
  39. Rhiannon (Welsh) – Great queen
  40. Ronan (Irish) – Little seal
  41. Sable (English) – Black
  42. Sciathan (Irish) – Shadow, phantom
  43. Shadow (English) – Shadow
  44. Sorcha (Irish) – Bright, radiant
  45. Sullivan (Irish) – Black-eyed
  46. Tas (Limburgish) – Raven
  47. Tyler (English) – Tiler of roofs
  48. Wenna (Cornish) – Raven
  49. Yorath (English) – Dark brown
  50. Zizi (Chinese) – Black bird

Why are Raven Names Important?

Raven names are special because they give identity to each bird. Just like people have names, ravens get their own too. This helps scientists and bird lovers tell them apart.

When ravens have names, it’s easier to track their behavior and life. It’s not just about having a name; it’s about knowing each raven’s story. This is why raven names matter a lot.

Having unique names helps in studies and keeping records. It makes learning about each raven simpler and more organized. So, raven names are not just labels, they are important tools for understanding these birds better.


What is the scientific name for a raven?

The scientific name for a raven is Corvus corax.

What do ravens eat?

Ravens are opportunistic eaters, consuming small mammals, insects, reptiles, birds, carrion, and even human food and garbage.

How long do ravens live?

Ravens typically live for 10-15 years, with some in captivity living up to 20 years.

What is the largest raven species?

The largest raven species is the Common Raven, found in North America, with a body length of 24 inches and a wingspan of up to 60 inches.


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