300+ Names that Mean Tiger

Names that mean tiger carry a sense of strength and power. Often inspired by various cultures, these names reflect the fierce and majestic nature of the tiger, a symbol of courage and royalty in many traditions.

In this article, we will discuss 300+ Names that Mean Tiger. We’ll explore the origins and meanings behind these names, helping you find the perfect one that resonates with the bold spirit of a tiger.

Why Tigers are Awesome?

Tigers are awesome for many reasons. They are big and strong, making them one of the top predators in the wild. Their stripes help them blend into the forest, making it easier to sneak up on their prey.

Tigers are also very important in many cultures. In some places, people name their kids with names that mean tiger, showing respect for nature’s balance. Just tigers are seen as symbols of power and mystery.

These animals need our help, though. Their homes are disappearing, and they are in danger. By learning about them and how awesome they are, we can all help to keep them safe.

100 Names that Mean Tiger

  1. Sher
  2. Arav
  3. Bagha
  4. Nahar
  5. Tigris
  6. Vyaghra
  7. Babr
  8. Nimr
  9. Torao
  10. Kambuku
  11. Tigre
  12. Tigra
  13. Kaplan
  14. Tigro
  15. Tigriño
  16. Lao Hu
  17. Harimau
  18. Taiga
  19. Daksina
  20. Nahush
  21. Baagh
  22. Tigrio
  23. Tigressa
  24. Tigron
  25. Taigā
  26. Tiikeri
  27. Tigras
  28. Tigar
  29. Tijger
  30. Tygr
  31. Tiger
  32. Tigre
  33. Tigri
  34. Tigrovi
  35. Tigris
  36. Tigurinn
  37. Tigre
  38. Tigr
  39. Tigar
  40. Tigris
  41. Tigriukas
  42. Tigre
  43. Tijgeren
  44. Tigru
  45. Tigridia
  46. Tigress
  47. Tigrillo
  48. Tigriska
  49. Tigriska
  50. Tigrul
  51. Tigrys
  52. Tigrão
  53. Tigrček
  54. Tigrica
  55. Tigrinho
  56. Tigrovo
  57. Tigrus
  58. Tigull
  59. Tigur
  60. Tigve
  61. Tigwen
  62. Tigwenn
  63. Tikar
  64. Tigran
  65. Tigrero
  66. Tigris
  67. Tigrish
  68. Tigrisk
  69. Tigriska
  70. Tigroid
  71. Tigrov
  72. Tigrový
  73. Tigrow
  74. Tigru
  75. Tigrulya
  76. Tigry
  77. Tiguar
  78. Tihur
  79. Tiker
  80. Tikras
  81. Tilki
  82. Timur
  83. Tindo
  84. Tora
  85. Torben
  86. Torbjörn
  87. Toros
  88. Toru
  89. Totem
  90. Trahern
  91. Turan
  92. Ty
  93. Tyg
  94. Tyger
  95. Tygo
  96. Tygrys
  97. Tymur
  98. Tynan
  99. Tyrone
  100. Typhoon

100+ Names That Mean Tiger For Boys

  1. Sher
  2. Arav
  3. Bagha
  4. Nahar
  5. Tigris
  6. Vyaghra
  7. Babr
  8. Nimr
  9. Torao
  10. Kambuku
  11. Tigre
  12. Kaplan
  13. Tigro
  14. Lao Hu
  15. Harimau
  16. Taiga
  17. Daksina
  18. Nahush
  19. Baagh
  20. Tigrio
  21. Tigron
  22. Taigā
  23. Tigras
  24. Tigar
  25. Tygr
  26. Tiger
  27. Tigre
  28. Tigri
  29. Tigrovi
  30. Tigris
  31. Tigurinn
  32. Tigr
  33. Tigar
  34. Tigris
  35. Tigriukas
  36. Tijgeren
  37. Tigru
  38. Tigridia
  39. Tigrillo
  40. Tigriska
  41. Tigrul
  42. Tigrys
  43. Tigrão
  44. Tigrček
  45. Tigrinho
  46. Tigrovo
  47. Tigrus
  48. Tigull
  49. Tigur
  50. Tigve
  51. Tigwen
  52. Tigran
  53. Tigrero
  54. Tigris
  55. Tigrish
  56. Tigrisk
  57. Tigriska
  58. Tigroid
  59. Tigrov
  60. Tigrový
  61. Tigrow
  62. Tigru
  63. Tigrulya
  64. Tigry
  65. Tiguar
  66. Tihur
  67. Tiker
  68. Tikras
  69. Tilki
  70. Timur
  71. Tindo
  72. Tora
  73. Torben
  74. Torbjörn
  75. Toros
  76. Toru
  77. Totem
  78. Trahern
  79. Turan
  80. Ty
  81. Tyg
  82. Tyger
  83. Tygo
  84. Tygrys
  85. Tymur
  86. Tynan
  87. Tyrone
  88. Typhoon
  89. Taiki
  90. Takio
  91. Tamir
  92. Tarak
  93. Taro
  94. Taurus
  95. Teague
  96. Tejas
  97. Terrell
  98. Thor
  99. Titan
  100. Tomás
  101. Trig
  102. Triston
  103. Troy
  104. Tuvia
  105. Tyce
  106. Tyrell
  107. Tyson

100+ Names That Mean Tiger For Girls

  1. Tigris
  2. Tigressa
  3. Tigra
  4. Tigriña
  5. Tiikeri
  6. Tigrina
  7. Tigrette
  8. Tijgerin
  9. Tigria
  10. Tigrita
  11. Tigrea
  12. Tigriana
  13. Tigrisa
  14. Tigrissa
  15. Tigrilla
  16. Tigrilla
  17. Tigrinia
  18. Tigrishka
  19. Tigrina
  20. Tigrasha
  21. Tigrunya
  22. Tigrasha
  23. Tigrishna
  24. Tigrilina
  25. Tigrilya
  26. Tigressia
  27. Tigriena
  28. Tigrilena
  29. Tigrielle
  30. Tigrielle
  31. Tigrella
  32. Tigrelle
  33. Tigrenka
  34. Tigressa
  35. Tigrinia
  36. Tigrinna
  37. Tigriss
  38. Tigrizza
  39. Tigroza
  40. Tigruccia
  41. Tigrya
  42. Tigrysha
  43. Tigulia
  44. Tigrusa
  45. Tigrusha
  46. Tigruta
  47. Tigrutta
  48. Tigrizia
  49. Tigrizka
  50. Tigrolya
  51. Tigrunya
  52. Tigrushka
  53. Tigryna
  54. Tigryusha
  55. Tigralia
  56. Tigrana
  57. Tigrasha
  58. Tigrelya
  59. Tigrencia
  60. Tigrida
  61. Tigridia
  62. Tigridya
  63. Tigriela
  64. Tigriessa
  65. Tigrietta
  66. Tigriina
  67. Tigrijka
  68. Tigrikka
  69. Tigriola
  70. Tigriolla
  71. Tigrioma
  72. Tigriora
  73. Tigriosa
  74. Tigriota
  75. Tigriotta
  76. Tigriozka
  77. Tigriusha
  78. Tigriyka
  79. Tigriyna
  80. Tigriyska
  81. Tigriyushka
  82. Tigriyuska
  83. Tigrolya
  84. Tigrona
  85. Tigronka
  86. Tigronya
  87. Tigrosha
  88. Tigrousha
  89. Tigrova
  90. Tigrovka
  91. Tigrovna
  92. Tigrovska
  93. Tigruella
  94. Tigruka
  95. Tigrulya
  96. Tigrusha
  97. Tigruska
  98. Tigrusya
  99. Tigrutta
  100. Tigruxa
  101. Tigruxia
  102. Tigruxka
  103. Tigruxna

Why Pick a Tiger Name?

Choosing a tiger name can be a unique way to name a pet or character. Names that mean tiger often have a strong and fierce vibe. They can make a pet or character seem powerful.

Tiger names are not just for animals. They can be cool for people too. Names that mean tiger can show strength and courage. They can make a name more interesting.

Using tiger names can also show love for nature and wildlife. It can be a fun way to connect with the wild side of life. Names that mean tiger can be a cool choice for anyone looking for something different.


What are some popular names that mean Tiger?

Some popular names that mean Tiger include “Tigris,” “Tygra,” “Torah,” and “Sher.”

Do these names have any cultural significance?

Yes, many of these names have cultural significance. For example, “Sher” is a name with origins in Indian culture, where the tiger is a symbol of strength and power.

Can I use these names as baby names?

Absolutely! These names can make unique and meaningful choices for baby names, especially if you appreciate the symbolism associated with tigers.

Where can I find more names that mean Tiger?

You can find more names that mean Tiger by searching online baby name databases or consulting books on baby names. Additionally, you can explore different cultures and their languages to discover even more options.


We explored over 300 names that reflect the spirit of a tiger, showcasing the strength and grace of this majestic creature. Each name carries its unique flair and deep meaning, perfect for anyone who admires the tiger’s might. For those looking to express themselves in style, remember that the on4t font generator is your top choice, always ready to add that extra edge to your creative projects.

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