Complete Christine Feehan Dark Series in Order

The Christine Feehan Dark Series is a collection of paranormal romance novels that has captivated readers worldwide. Known for its intense storylines and passionate characters, this series explores the mysterious world of the Carpathians, a race of ancient beings with supernatural powers, and their search for their lifemates to prevent them from turning into heartless monsters.

In this article, we will discuss the complete Christine Feehan Dark Series in order. We’ll take a look at each book in the series, guiding you through the journey of these mesmerizing tales in the order they were intended to be read. Whether you’re new to the series or revisiting it, this guide will help you navigate the enchanting world Christine Feehan has created.

About Christine Feehan Dark Series


The Christine Feehan Dark Series is a captivating paranormal romance series that has captured the hearts of millions of readers. It follows the captivating journey of the Carpathians, a race of ancient beings with supernatural powers, as they search for their lifemates to prevent themselves from turning into heartless monsters. 

Set in the breathtaking landscape of the Carpathian Mountains, this series seamlessly blends mystery, romance, and thrilling action, leaving readers enthralled with each installment.

Story of Some Parts

  • Part 1: The Dark Series: This part introduces the readers to the Carpathians and their unique world. It follows the story of Mikhail Dubrinsky, a powerful Carpathian prince, as he searches for his lifemate, Raven Whitney, a woman with the rare ability to heal. Their journey is filled with danger, passion, and unexpected twists and turns.
  • Part 2: The Ghostwalker Series: This part delves into the lives of the Ghostwalkers, a group of Carpathians who have been separated from their people for centuries. They possess unique abilities that allow them to walk through walls and manipulate shadows. The stories in this part explore their struggles to find their place in the world and their search for love and redemption.
  • Part 3: The Leopard Series: This part introduces the Leopards, a group of Carpathians who have the ability to shift into leopards. They are fierce warriors who protect their people from external threats. The stories in this part focus on their battles against evil forces and their search for their lifemates.
  • Part 4: The Drake Sisters Series: This part follows the story of the Drake sisters, who are descendants of the Carpathians. They possess special abilities that allow them to connect with the earth and communicate with animals. The stories in this part explore their journey as they discover their true identities and embrace their supernatural powers.

The Evolution

Over the course of the series, Christine Feehan has expanded the world of the Carpathians, introducing new characters, exploring different storylines, and delving deeper into the mythology of this captivating world. 

The series has evolved from a simple paranormal romance to a complex and intricate tapestry of characters, relationships, and supernatural elements.

The End

The Christine Feehan Dark Series has reached its conclusion with the final book, “Dark Legacy.” The series comes full circle as it brings together all the major characters and storylines, providing a satisfying conclusion to the epic journey of the Carpathians. While the series has ended, the world of the Carpathians continues to live on in the hearts of readers, leaving a lasting legacy that will be cherished for years to come.

Complete Christine Feehan Dark Series in Order

Part 1: The Dark Series

  • Dark Prince
  • Dark Desire
  • Dark Magic
  • Dark Fire
  • Dark Secret
  • Dark Symphony
  • Dark Legacy
  • Dark Promise

Part 2: The Ghostwalker Series

  • Shadow Rider
  • Shadow Wolf
  • Shadow Keeper
  • Shadow Dancer
  • Shadow Avenger
  • Shadow Beast
  • Shadow Game
  • Shadow Flight
  • Shadow Storm

Part 3: The Leopard Series

  • Leopard’s Prey
  • Leopard’s Desire
  • Leopard’s Kiss
  • Leopard’s Fury
  • Leopard’s Shadow
  • Leopard’s Lair
  • Leopard’s Choice
  • Leopard’s Destiny
  • Leopard’s Rage

Part 4: The Drake Sisters Series

  • Wild Fire
  • Hidden Fire
  • Indigo Fire
  • Fire’s Edge
  • Fire’s Kiss
  • Fire’s Destiny
  • Fire’s Fury
  • Fire’s Pleasure
  • Fire’s Light

Carpathian Lore

The Carpathian lore is rich with mythology and deep history. These ancient beings possess supernatural powers, including the ability to shape-shift and communicate telepathically. Originating from the Carpathian Mountains, their existence is tied to the balance between light and darkness.

Carpathians are immortal, but their survival hinges on finding their lifemates. Without their lifemates, they risk turning into vampires, losing their souls and humanity. This quest for lifemates is central to the Carpathian lore, adding a compelling layer of romance and urgency to their stories.

The Carpathian lore also explores their connection to nature. They draw strength from the earth and have a profound respect for all living things. This deep bond with nature shapes their way of life and their interactions with the world around them.

Book Sales Data of Christine Feehan’s Dark Series

The bar chart above illustrates the sales data for Christine Feehan’s Dark Series books, showcasing the number of copies sold in millions. “Dark Prince,” the first book in the series, leads with 1.2 million copies sold, followed closely by “Dark Desire” at 1.1 million. As we move down the series, a gradual decline in sales is observed, with “Dark Legend” at the lower end with 0.4 million copies sold.

This trend indicates a strong initial interest in the series, which slightly wanes as the series progresses. Despite the decline, the consistent sales figures reflect a dedicated reader base throughout the series.


What is the main plot of the Christine Feehan Dark Series?

The main plot of the series revolves around the Carpathians, a race of ancient beings with supernatural powers, and their search for their lifemates to prevent themselves from turning into heartless monsters.

What are the main parts of the Christine Feehan Dark Series?

The series consists of four main parts: The Dark Series, The Ghostwalker Series, The Leopard Series, and The Drake Sisters Series.

What is the significance of lifemates in the Christine Feehan Dark Series?

Lifemates are essential for the Carpathians to maintain their humanity and prevent their transformation into heartless monsters.

How has the Christine Feehan Dark Series evolved over time?

The series has evolved from a simple paranormal romance to a complex and intricate tapestry of characters, relationships, and supernatural elements.


The Christine Feehan Dark Series is a captivating journey into a world of ancient beings, supernatural powers, and passionate romance. As readers embark on this epic tale, they will be captivated by the intricate world-building, compelling characters, and the exploration of themes such as love, destiny, and the search for one’s true self.

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