Borg names are like codes for the characters in the Borg world. They mix numbers and letters in a special way, showing how the Borg are part machine and part living being.
In this article, we will discuss Best 150+ Borg Name Ideas. We’ll give you lots of cool and interesting names that you can use for your Borg characters or just to learn more about how Borg names work.
Understanding Borg Names
Understanding Borg names is pretty easy. Borgs are characters from a TV show called “Star Trek.” They don’t use regular names like us. Instead, they have numbers and letters mixed together to make their name.
When you’re thinking of Borg name ideas, remember they’re simple but unique. Each Borg has a name that starts with “Borg” and then has some numbers. For example, “Borg 7 of 9.”
If you want to come up with your own Borg name ideas, just start with “Borg” and add your favorite numbers. It’s fun and easy. This way, you make a cool name like the characters in the show.
Top 30 Classic Borg Name Ideas
- Seven of Nine
- Three of Five
- Four of Seven
- Five of Twelve
- Six of Ten
- Eight of Fifteen
- Nine of Twenty
- Ten of Thirty
- Eleven of Forty
- Twelve of Fifty
- Thirteen of Sixty
- Fourteen of Seventy
- Fifteen of Eighty
- Sixteen of Ninety
- Seventeen of One Hundred
- Eighteen of One Ten
- Nineteen of One Twenty
- Twenty of One Thirty
- Twenty One of One Forty
- Twenty Two of One Fifty
- Twenty Three of One Sixty
- Twenty Four of One Seventy
- Twenty Five of One Eighty
- Twenty Six of One Ninety
- Twenty Seven of Two Hundred
- Twenty Eight of Two Ten
- Twenty Nine of Two Twenty
- Thirty of Two Thirty
- Thirty One of Two Forty
- Thirty Two of Two Fifty
50 Modern Borg Name Ideas
- iBorg
- Androi-Borg
- Cy-Borg
- DataBorg
- TechnoBorg
- DigiBorg
- MechaBorg
- CyberBorg
- BioBorg
- NanoBorg
- NeuroBorg
- HiveBorg
- Assimi-Borg
- Upgradi-Borg
- AdaptoBorg
- CollectiBorg
- Intelli-Borg
- MachinaBorg
- AutomatoBorg
- SynthaBorg
- ArtificiaBorg
- RobotiBorg
- TechniBorg
- MechaniBorg
- AndroidiBorg
- NaniteBorg
- InfinitiBorg
- AlgoriBorg
- SingularBorg
- UltimaBorg
- Assimilaborg
- Harmoniborg
- Optimaborg
- PerfecBorg
- Evolviborg
- RevoluBorg
- Futuriborg
- Visionborg
- Teleportaborg
- Quanticborg
- QuantumBorg
- HyperspaceBorg
- IntergalacBorg
- Universaborg
- OmniscienBorg
- TranscendenBorg
- Supremaborg
- Maximaborg
- InfiniteBorg
- Eternaborg
30 Creative and Unique Borg Name Ideas
- Uni-B
- Amalga-Mate
- Assimilatron
- The Collective
- The Hive
- Cyber-Sapien
- Techno-Humanoid
- Mecha-Being
- Cybernat
- Techni-Organism
- Silica-Lifeform
- Carbo-Synthetic
- NeurNet
- Cogitatron
- Bio-Circuitry
- Techno-Sentience
- Digi-Entity
- Nano-Intelligence
- Bio-Mechanism
- Artificial Consciousness
- Synthetic Intellect
- Quantum-Cogitator
- Fusion-Android
- Chimera-Cyborg
- Meld-O-Tron
- Amalganoid
- Paradox Device
- Schism Spawn
- Singularity Point
- Chimera Prime
50 Borg Name Ideas Inspired by Nature
- Hivemind
- The Colony
- The Nest
- The Swarm
- Locust Horde
- Army Ant Brigade
- Web Weaver
- Night Crawler
- Tunnel Digger
- Mothra
- Cicada Storm
- Queen Wasp
- Mosquito Fleet
- Spider’s Brood
- Scorpion’s Sting
- Snake Pit
- Crocodile Jaw
- Shark Swarm
- School of Piranha
- Murder of Crows
- Parrot Parliament
- Chattering Chipmunks
- Pack of Wolves
- Pride of Lions
- Herd of Bison
- Stampede
- Hive Cluster
- The Collective
- Assimilation Swarm
- Adaptation Horde
- Evolution Battalion
- Genome Regiment
- DNA Platoon
- Mutation Squad
- Metamorphosis Division
- Transformation Troop
- Cocoon Section
- Chrysalis Company
- Larva Detachment
- Pupa Brigade
- Nymph Battalion
- Eclosion Team
- Imago Force
- Emergence Corps
- Matamorphosis Cell
- Caterpillar Column
- Butterfly Flight
- Beetle March
- Ant Hill
- Bee Keepers
50+ Funny Borg Name Ideas
- The Bro Collective
- Assimilatrons
- The Introvert Club
- Cyber-Nerds
- Silicon Valley Drones
- The Robot Rednecks
- Techno-Bible Thumpers
- The Socially Awkward Alliance
- 9.malware.exe
- USBorg
- Dial-Up Drones
- The LAN Before Time
- Wi-Fi Tribe
- The Ping Pong Posse
- Virtual Insanity
- Y2K Bugs
- Windows 98 Wormhole
- CD-ROM Ravers
- LaserDisc Losers
- Floppy Disk Floozies
- Betamax Boxheads
- VCR Veterans
- 8-Track Attacked
- The Atari Avengers
- ColecoVision Vixens
- Commodore Clones
- Nintendo Nincompoops
- Sega Simpletons
- PlayStation Proles
- Xbox Xenophobes
- Wii Wimps
- Ouya Oafs
- Zune Zombies
- iBorgs
- MacBots
- Droid Dweebs
- Pixel Pirates
- SpammerZ
- Troll Brigade
- Flame War Veterans
- Phishing Phools
- Adware Avengers
- Scareware Storm
- The Blue Screen Blues
- 404 Errors
- Bad Signal Battalion
- Dial-Up Drags
- The Lagging Laggards
- The Glitchy Gang
- CPU Crashers
- RAM Raiders
What are Borg names?
Borg names are creative and often humorous borg name ideas given to drinks or parties. They are known for their playfulness and uniqueness.

Why are Borg names popular at college parties?
Borg names add a fun and entertaining element to college parties, making them memorable and enjoyable for attendees.
How can I come up with my own Borg name for a party?
You can create your own Borg name by using wordplay, puns, and pop culture references. Get creative and have fun with it!
Are there any guidelines for naming Borg drinks?
While there are no strict rules, Borg drink names often involve clever wordplay related to the theme of the party or the ingredients of the drink.
Looking for the perfect Borg name? Our list of over 200 names gives you plenty of choices. These names blend sci-fi feel with creativity, making them great for games, stories, or any sci-fi project. Pick one that resonates with your imagination and gives your character a unique identity. Remember, the right Borg name adds an exciting edge to your sci-fi experience. Enjoy exploring these options and find the one that fits best!