Trolls are mythical creatures known for their mischief and unique personalities. Naming a troll can be a fun and creative task, as the names often reflect their quirky nature and the rich folklore surrounding them.
In this article, we will discuss various Names For Troll Ideas. We’ll explore a range of names, from traditional to modern, and provide tips on choosing the perfect name for your fictional troll character.
50 Unique Names For A Troll
- Grumbletooth
- Snarlbane
- Rockgnasher
- Gloomshadow
- Thornspike
- Bogmuncher
- Sludgebelly
- Fangsnarl
- Muckfoot
- Bouldergrin
- Swampclaw
- Stinkfang
- Stonecrusher
- Slimegobbler
- Rumblegut
- Toadlicker
- Mossbeard
- Gnarlblade
- Swampstomp
- Cracklebone
- Tangletooth
- Mudcrunch
- Thornback
- Grimsludge
- Boulderhide
- Snaggletusk
- Rumblebelly
- Slimefang
- Swampwhisper
- Fangrot
- Mudmaw
- Sootspear
- Thornjaw
- Gravelfoot
- Sludgeclaw
- Bouldertwist
- Snarlhide
- Gloomcrusher
- Swampthorn
- Fangrider
- Mudwhisper
- Rumblethorn
- Toadstomp
- Rockmunch
- Gnarlsnarl
- Sludgebane
- Stinktooth
- Thornspike
- Bogbelly
- Grumbleclaw
- Muckfang
50 Names For A Troll Girl
- Glimmer
- Wartsnack
- Pebbletoes
- Mossylocks
- Snaggletooth
- Toadstool
- Grumblebelly
- Muddypaws
- Slimegrin
- Bramblethorn
- Thornberry
- Snickerdoodle
- Pebblesnatch
- Bogberry
- Funguspetal
- Goblintwirl
- Wiggletongue
- Rumblebelch
- Swampwhisper
- Wobblewrench
- Snickersnarl
- Sludgefoot
- Nettlegrin
- Wartywhisper
- Puddlejump
- Tanglethorn
- Squigglewig
- Mirewhisk
- Splattertoes
- Bramblewag
- Slumbermoss
- Tattertoad
- Muckysnack
- Wobbleglop
- Slumbergum
- Nettlethorn
- Gobblechomp
- Fizzletwig
- Mudgurgle
- Snickerwig
- Quaggletoes
- Twigglegrin
- Gunkysnarl
- Splatgurgle
- Bramblebop
- Fumblewag
- Goblintwist
- Tanglewhisk
- Thistlewhip
- Slimebelly
50 Names For A Troll Female
- Grukka
- Snarla
- Thrumble
- Zogma
- Grizzle
- Rumbletusk
- Wartilda
- Grumblebelly
- Blightwitch
- Muddlesnout
- Nettlefang
- Gloomshade
- Sludgegrin
- Fungusbane
- Bouldertooth
- Swampgale
- Wretchclaw
- Slagfang
- Gnarlbark
- Slimefoot
- Rotgale
- Snaggletooth
- Gloomhag
- Grumbleclaw
- Thornwhisper
- Sootbelch
- Grotsnarl
- Dregwhisper
- Sporetooth
- Bogmaw
- Wartongue
- Blightbelch
- Scumgut
- Snagglethorn
- Tanglefoot
- Sludgefang
- Netherbane
- Murkspine
- Gunkfist
- Spikewort
- Wretchjaw
- Gloomclaw
- Driftsnarl
- Tanglebark
- Blightgale
- Muckjaw
- Grimetusk
- Witherclaw
- Slagbelly
- Swampwhisper
50 Funny Names For A Troll
Sure, here are 50 funny troll names for you:
1. GrumpyGoblin
2. ChuckleChomper
3. PranksterPixie

4. GiggleGremlin
5. SnickerSprite
6. JokesterJabberwock
7. TickleTroll
8. HoaxHobbit
9. ChucklingChimera
10. GigglingGargoyle
11. TricksterTroll
12. LightheartedLeprechaun
13. WhimsicalYeti
14. SnortySasquatch
15. PrankPuck
16. ChuckleChupacabra
17. MirthfulMinotaur
18. HilariousHarpy
19. GuffawGoblin
20. SnickerSiren
21. LaughingLochNess
22. ChuckleCentaur
23. GrinGremlin
24. MischievousManticore
25. ChucklingChangeling
26. PranksterPhoenix
27. GuffawGorgon
28. LightheartedLycanthrope
29. ChortleChimera
30. SnickerSpecter
31. GigglingGolem
32. WhimsicalWendigo
33. ChucklingCyclops
34. HilariousHydra
35. LaughingLamia
36. PrankPegasus
37. GuffawGnome
38. ChuckleChimera
39. SnickerSphinx
40. GrinGremlin
41. JokesterJinn
42. ChucklingCerberus
43. MirthfulMedusa
44. TickleTengu
45. LightheartedLizardfolk
46. GigglingGnoll
47. WhimsicalWraith
48. GuffawGnasher
49. PranksterPanda
50. ChuckleChameleon
Enjoy these whimsical troll names!
50 Cute Names For A Troll
- Giggles
- Snickers
- Tinkerbell
- Bumble
- Sparkle
- Pudding
- Wiggles
- Sprout
- Doodle
- Twinkle
- Cuddles
- Pipsqueak
- Marshmallow
- Button
- Snuggle
- Chubby
- Pebbles
- Tootsie
- Squeaky
- Cheeky
- Dimples
- Fuzzy
- Gummy
- Munchkin
- Squeezy
- Lollipop
- Tater Tot
- Noodle
- Cutie Pie
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Gingersnap
- Sweetie
- Jellybean
- Cupcake
- Buttercup
- Pumpkin
- Honey
- Bunny
- Sprinkle
- Cookie
- Blossom
- Cupid
- Bambi
- Sunshine
- Daffodil
- Fluffy
- Bubbly
- Starlet
50 Funny Troll Names For Games
- Grumblebelly
- Gigglesnort
- Mischiefmaker
- PranksterPete
- ChuckleChamp
- TrollyMcTrollface
- SnickerSneak
- RascalRump
- JokesterJim
- GobSmacker
- PunnyPickle
- GuffawGoblin
- WittyWanderer
- JesterJinx
- TricksterTim
- LaughingLout
- SnortySnicker
- HoaxsterHank
- TickleMonster
- Chucklesaurus
- QuipsterQuinn
- HilariousHobbit
- GigglyGargoyle
- WisecrackWaldo
- ChortleChieftain
- PuckishPercy
- TitterTotter
- JestfulJerry
- JollyJapester
- WaggishWaldo
- PrankishPaul
- Gobbledegook
- WhimsicalWally
- Snickerdoodle
- GoofballGarry
- RoaringRascal
- SillySpecter
- LaughterLurker
- Chuckleberry
- WagglingWill
- SniggerSquiggle
- GiddyGoblin
- TitteringTom
- DrollDoodler
- MischievousMax
- WhimsyWizard
- GuffawGoblin
- PranksyPixie
- ChuckleChunk
- SillyShenanigan
50 Scary Troll Names
- Grizzlefang
- Gloomspike
- Bonecrusher
- Shadowclaw
- Viletooth
- Doomhammer
- Cursedbane
- Grimshade
- Nightmaretusk
- Venomstrike
- Rotgloom
- Spinebreaker
- Wraithhowl
- Bloodfang
- Deathgrasp
- Ghoulreaver
- Fearsnarl
- Corpsefeeder
- Dreadclaw
- Abyssscorn
- Plaguebearer
- Ravencurse
- Blightscythe
- Soulrender
- Tormenthorn
- Necrognash
- Hauntshade
- Abyssmaw
- Darkthorn
- Venomclaw
- Vortexterror
- Skullcrusher
- Sorrowfang
- Rotsmolder
- Shadowmaw
- Wretchspine
- Ghostgore
- Ebonclaw
- Doomhowler
- Vipershadow
- Nightcreeper
- Bonegnash
- Fangsorrow
- Cursedwhisper
- Deathchill
- Plaguehowl
- Dreadshadow
- Shadowfang
- Bloodwhisper
- Grimscar
50 Bait Names For Trolling
Sure, here are 50 bait names for trolling:
1. Epic Fail Prank
2. Invisible Treasure Hunt
3. Unlimited Free Pizza Offer
4. Secret Celebrity Meet and Greet
5. DIY Instant Wealth Kit
6. Miracle Weight Loss Tea
7. Fake UFO Sighting
8. Superhero Auditions
9. World’s Largest Ice Cream Cone
10. Remote-Controlled Wild Animals
11. Time Traveler Convention
12. Free Wi-Fi, No Password
13. Instant Six-Pack Abs Cream
14. Alien Pet Adoption Center
15. Haunted Selfie Challenge
16. VIP Access to Area 51
17. Extreme Bungee Jumping for Pets
18. Underwater Poker Championship
19. Reverse Gravity Day
20. Unicorn Riding Lessons
21. Invisible Car Test Drive
22. The Great Smartphone Giveaway
23. Moonwalk Dance-Off
24. Self-Filling Soda Machine
25. Free Ride on a Dragon
26. Superpowers for Sale
27. Gravity-Defying Pancakes
28. Unicorn Frappuccino Tasting
29. Virtual Reality Zoo
30. Live Dinosaur Petting Zoo
31. Incredible Shrinking Machine
32. Talking Plant Exhibition
33. World’s Strongest Toothpaste
34. Zero-Calorie Chocolate Cake
35. Skydiving with Penguins
36. Haunted Elevator Experience
37. Robotic Llama Rodeo
38. Free Trip to the Moon
39. Invisible Pet Adoption Day
40. Extreme Sock Puppet Show
41. Free Holographic Glasses
42. Cliff Diving with Dolphins
43. Underwater Fireworks Display
44. Leprechaun Gold Hunt
45. Teleportation Demo
46. Super-Size Mini Golf
47. Hoverboard Racing Championship
48. Skydiving Without a Parachute
49. Superhero School Enrollment
50. Time-Traveling Karaoke Night
Enjoy having fun with these bait names, but remember to keep things light-hearted and respectful!
How can I use the 400 best names for troll ideas?
You can use the names for creating characters in games, and fantasy stories, or as usernames for online platforms.
Are the names suitable for all ages?
The names can be tailored to different age groups and preferences, but some may be more suitable for adult audiences.
Can I modify the names to suit my preferences?
Yes, feel free to modify the names to better fit your needs or to create unique variations.
Are there specific themes or categories for the names?
The names cover a wide range of themes and categories, including fantasy, mythology, and folklore, providing options for various creative projects.
Choosing the right name for a troll can add depth to your story or game, offering 400 creative and unique options to find the perfect fit.
For a special touch, use the On4t font generator to style your troll’s name, making it stand out and capture the essence of the character.