400 Best Hobgoblin Names Ideas

Finding the perfect name for your hobgoblin character can be a daunting task. With 400 Best Hobgoblin Names Ideas, you have a vast array of options that suit every personality and backstory. 

In this article, we will discuss how these names were carefully selected to match the strength, cunning, and unique cultural background of hobgoblins. Whether you’re writing a fantasy novel or setting up your next RPG character, you’ll find a name that resonates.

50 Hobgoblin Names Male

  • Grunk
  • Tharok
  • Krulmash
  • Snaggle
  • Ghoruk
  • Draknar
  • Thragg
  • Zulgrak
  • Grimnok
  • Durgok
  • Skarlash
  • Uzgul
  • Grognar
  • Blorgash
  • Narbul
  • Kraggul
  • Drekko
  • Thrakk
  • Grommok
  • Skulgash
  • Murgok
  • Zogar
  • Braknash
  • Truggul
  • Ruknok
  • Garshak
  • Hrukgor
  • Sniktar
  • Krashnok
  • Graknor
  • Thorgul
  • Zarnak
  • Varguk
  • Krunkar
  • Snarbul
  • Draknash
  • Throkka
  • Ghorash
  • Glumgar
  • Krukmar
  • Zulkrash
  • Grelkash
  • Darnak
  • Blugor
  • Skragg
  • Mornak
  • Kruggor
  • Snorlag
  • Grakmar
  • Thulgor

50 Hobgoblin Names Female

  • Grizelda
  • Morganna
  • Tharina
  • Grelga
  • Ormira
  • Vrakka
  • Kraga
  • Dritha
  • Lurkna
  • Zorna
  • Krethka
  • Branda
  • Gortha
  • Hrakka
  • Zorga
  • Krulda
  • Ylga
  • Dregna
  • Snarla
  • Vriska
  • Thalna
  • Kragga
  • Grelma
  • Orzula
  • Skranna
  • Urkna
  • Krevka
  • Morna
  • Drakka
  • Gritha
  • Zelma
  • Krorna
  • Lurga
  • Thriska
  • Granda
  • Hrolka
  • Zolna
  • Branna
  • Gorla
  • Vritha
  • Kriska
  • Snagga
  • Thelma
  • Yrkna
  • Krelka
  • Drazka
  • Gorna
  • Ulma
  • Skrega

50 Hobgoblin Names Generator

  • Grak
  • Zorga
  • Tharok
  • Vasha
  • Gromm
  • Rikkul
  • Drakka
  • Morkai
  • Zogar
  • Kragg
  • Vorka
  • Snagul
  • Hrukka
  • Drogar
  • Zarnok
  • Skrull
  • Drekka
  • Gorruk
  • Thrashok
  • Zorga
  • Grukka
  • Rokkash
  • Vorgul
  • Brakk
  • Dorga
  • Gorkul
  • Snikka
  • Hrakka
  • Gornok
  • Karrak
  • Zarkul
  • Grishak
  • Vrakka
  • Thorgul
  • Skragg
  • Norkul
  • Krushak
  • Roshka
  • Gornak
  • Thrukka
  • Skrazz
  • Vorruk
  • Drazzak
  • Horga
  • Grakka
  • Zarruk
  • Krogg
  • Hroshka
  • Vorkash

50 Hobgoblin Names Pathfinder

  • Gralk
  • Tharnak
  • Grukka
  • Draxok
  • Zarnak
  • Kragar
  • Vornak
  • Krulak
  • Brakka
  • Harnok
  • Urgok
  • Snagga
  • Krivik
  • Durgok
  • Gralkar
  • Vorga
  • Thrakka
  • Snarik
  • Grizok
  • Morga
  • Farnok
  • Zulak
  • Drivik
  • Gurnak
  • Braggok
  • Tralkar
  • Zarka
  • Glarnok
  • Thrivik
  • Kragga
  • Narik
  • Grivik
  • Harnak
  • Urgar
  • Trizok
  • Snarka
  • Krornak
  • Vrakka
  • Draggok
  • Zurnak
  • Grukka
  • Krarnok
  • Varnak
  • Darnok
  • Grornak
  • Tharnak
  • Grivak
  • Krorka
  • Snargok
  • Hrakka

50 Hobgoblin Names Reddit

  • Grunk
  • Snarlgut
  • Thragh
  • Gorknash
  • Vrulak
  • Skratch
  • Kragmaw
  • Urgok
  • Zogar
  • Blundar
  • Grokthar
  • Norgak
  • Durgul
  • Krulgar
  • Smasha
  • Thraknar
  • Lugbash
  • Ragnuk
  • Drogar
  • Murgul
  • Gnarlblade
  • Zarnok
  • Grukka
  • Drakkul
  • Hragg
  • Norgul
  • Grishnak
  • Skarlash
  • Vorgruk
  • Krulgash
  • Sniktar
  • Urgash
  • Gruknar
  • Throknash
  • Ruknok
  • Snagthar
  • Glugnar
  • Drazgul
  • Zarnak
  • Grakmar
  • Thoknar
  • Bragthar
  • Murgash
  • Grolmash
  • Vrukthar
  • Krugnash
  • Snarkul
  • Dragthar
  • Ruglak

50 Hobgoblin Surnames

  • Goretusk
  • Ironjaw
  • Grimfang
  • Blackthorn
  • Stonebreaker
  • Darkblade
  • Bloodaxe
  • Firebrand
  • Steelgaze
  • Thunderclaw
  • Frosthammer
  • Shadowclaw
  • Deathbringer
  • Skullcrusher
  • Raventooth
  • Stormrider
  • Venomspike
  • Bonecrusher
  • Ashenclaw
  • Nightshade
  • Grimthorn
  • Ironheart
  • Emberfang
  • Swiftstrike
  • Darkclaw
  • Grimhammer
  • Doomrider
  • Boulderfist
  • Viperscale
  • Warshadow
  • Ashenshield
  • Skullsplitter
  • Steelthorn
  • Bloodclaw
  • Stormblade
  • Thundershield
  • Firestrike
  • Ironhelm
  • Dreadfang
  • Bonebreaker
  • Frostclaw
  • Venomfang
  • Nightfall
  • Grimshield
  • Blackfire
  • Shadowfang
  • Skullhammer
  • Emberclaw
  • Doombringer
  • Swiftthorn

50 Hobgoblin Names Eberron

  • Kragar
  • Thokk
  • Grentok
  • Zarkash
  • Drax
  • Torvak
  • Krusk
  • Ruktar
  • Vashak
  • Morgash
  • Zogar
  • Hruk
  • Grishnak
  • Durgok
  • Thrakka
  • Vorkul
  • Garak
  • Zulgar
  • Hraknar
  • Krull
  • Gorkul
  • Tharok
  • Zarnak
  • Gralk
  • Thrukka
  • Zalgor
  • Hrazak
  • Torkash
  • Kulgur
  • Brusk
  • Zolgur
  • Thrash
  • Draknar
  • Kargash
  • Zarnok
  • Hrakkul
  • Tragg
  • Krulk
  • Vornak
  • Grungar
  • Drokka
  • Zurgar
  • Hrunk
  • Kraknar
  • Vashnar
  • Krolk
  • Thrazok
  • Gralkor
  • Tharzul
  • Horgar

50 Hobgoblin Tribe Names

  • Ironfang Clan
  • Bloodskull Tribe
  • Darkfire Warband
  • Stoneclaw Horde
  • Shadowfang Pack
  • Ironjaw Clan
  • Ashenblade Tribe
  • Thunderaxe Warband
  • Blackthorn Horde
  • Grimskull Clan
  • Stormrider Tribe
  • Deathshadow Pack
  • Ironblood Clan
  • Razorclaw Tribe
  • Shadowmoon Warband
  • Thunderfoot Horde
  • Bloodhowl Pack
  • Skullsplitter Clan
  • Frostbite Tribe
  • Grimblade Warband
  • Blackthistle Horde
  • Ironfang Pack
  • Bloodrage Clan
  • Darkthorn Tribe
  • Steelclaw Warband
  • Nightshadow Horde
  • Thunderstrike Pack
  • Bonecrusher Clan
  • Shadowclaw Tribe
  • Ashenfang Warband
  • Deathbringer Horde
  • Ironhide Pack
  • Fireheart Clan
  • Thunderclaw Tribe
  • Blackfang Warband
  • Nightshade Horde
  • Bloodclaw Pack
  • Steeljaw Clan
  • Grimscar Tribe
  • Ironthorn Warband
  • Shadowstrike Horde
  • Skullcrusher Pack
  • Frostfire Clan
  • Darkmaw Tribe
  • Deathclaw Warband
  • Ashenmoon Horde
  • Bloodthorn Pack
  • Stormblade Clan
  • Thundermaw Tribe
  • Shadowclaw Warband


What are Hobgoblins and Why Do They Need Names?

Hobgoblins are creatures from folklore and fantasy. They’re like mischievous cousins of goblins. They need names just like any character in a story or game. Names give them personality and make them memorable.

Can You Give Me Some Cool Hobgoblin Name Ideas?

Of course! How about “Grimbletusk,” “Snagglefang,” “Rustleblade,” or “Thornwhisper”? These names can make your hobgoblins stand out in your fantasy world.

Are There Any Rules for Creating Hobgoblin Names?

There are no strict rules, but you can get creative. Think about their personality or role. Use sounds that match their character, like “Grr” for a tough hobgoblin or “Whisp” for a sneaky one.

Where Can I Use These Hobgoblin Names?

You can use these names in your fantasy stories, games, role-playing sessions, or even when naming characters in your favorite books or movies. Let your imagination run wild!


Choosing the right name for your hobgoblin character is a big step in creating a memorable identity. With 400 unique options, you’re sure to find a name that fits perfectly and adds depth to your character’s persona.

And if you’re looking to give your chosen name an extra touch of style, the On4t font generator is a handy tool to explore, transforming plain text into something visually striking.

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