Swap Faces with this tool
People everywhere are using our FaceSwap to make awesome and fun photos!
Need to change faces in a photo? Our Deepfake Single FaceSwap lets you swap any face in your picture with another. It’s super easy to use for all kinds of projects, whether you’re just having fun or need it for something more serious. Just upload your pictures, and let our tool do the rest.
We do not promote wrong or illegal usage of this tool. We strive to keep it for legal and creative purposes without AI restrictions holding you back.
If you want to do the swap in the videos, you can try our Single Video Face Swap Tool for free.
Tip: If the faces you’re swapping are similar in lighting and angle, it’ll look even better.
Yep, that’s what it’s for. Just upload both photos and choose which faces to swap.
Absolutely. Your privacy matters to us. Your photos are safe here. We do not store them.
Although you can, we do not allow it on a large scale as we strive to keep this amazing tool in the hands of good use only. Please contact us for commercial use.
We also have a multi-face swap tool for both photos and videos.